Disable\unsubscribe from original, enable yours from the list and try it out.ītw in the source change m_costMultiplier in the InGameTerrainTool class from 500 to whatever you want (maybe 1 or 2) or I guess you could just change the updatecash() function modifying whatever cost is submitted to like 0 or you could change where m_totalcost is calculated personally I'd just tweak the modifier. However in the case of your new version this copy you want to place in drive:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Addons\Mods\NameOfTheMod\newdllfilename.dll.
ok so the ones dl'd from the steam workshop are buried in Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\255710\directory named after workshopID so in your case ( ) 411095553 you should see teraformtool.dll.ĭecompile, export to a project and either make your change, and probably give it at least a slightly different name and recompile.